Holy Sister
Gurlz is an entity of Dew-Drop Praise
Ministries. The vision was given to Sis. Trish Batten for women to be spiritually
educated & motivated on how to become the Godly woman in Christ.
As women/females we have a
tendency to look at everyone else, and everywhere else for the root of the
problem. But we don't look within ourselves. God is waiting on you to turn to
him so that he may show you the areas of your life that needs cleaning,
healing, and refining before he can send you that right mate. If we never
realize that the problem could be with us, we become frustrated and start to
look in all the wrong places for a mate.
Don't allow yourself to compromise your morals, your happiness, your future,
nor the lives of any children as a result of this unhealthy and unholy union.
Sis. Batten would like you to make it a daily habit to incorporate prayer
in your morning ritual. Prayer can change the worst situation into a moment of
calm and peace.
Sista Gurl, if you're striving
to be a Holy Sista Gurl Sis. Batten would like you to meditate in prayer over
these questions & answers. She believes that the more we meditate
on them each morning, the more apt we are to remember them when times are
trying and life is bending us over the wrong way. We can be that Proverbs 31
Who are you as a woman? Truly
not someone whose only goal in life is to find a man and get married. that
is not your purpose! God intends so much more for you. today's kingdom
walking man does not want a woman who does not have a purpose. He figures if
all you sat on was your morals before he arrived, chances are all you will
sit on are your morals after you are married. Find your purpose.
What is your spiritual
foundation built on, rock or sand? Women with weak spiritual
foundations crack under pressure. Ask God to help you build your house
on a solid foundation so that when your husband does come, you will be
that solid rock he needs. If he is following god, he has a purpose in
action already. He does not need you to be a burden in his life, but
an asset.
Do you dress provocatively to
draw the attention of men? Too many of us use cleavage and tight
bodies to get a man to notice us. Men are drawn to sexy clothing, but
those are not the type of women they take home to mama. The Godly
man is looking for a respectful, intelligent, well-rounded woman. A woman who feels sexy clothes
is the way to get a man will always find herself looking around the next
corner. A satisfying relationship you will never find.
Part of being the virtuous
woman is a woman who is diligent in giving God what is due to God. are
you giving God what is right in the tithe or giving him what is left?
we focus on shopping and personal luxuries such as hair, make-up, &
nails placing god at the bottom of the ladder to get what is already
His. Are you wondering why you are falling short in getting that
husband, that job, that house, or whatever you are believing God for?
If you can't give God his 10% maybe your answer lies there! However,
God will get his one way or another. A God-fearing and righteous man
does not want a woman that will rob God.
What nasty habits from your
past will be there to trip you up in the future? Is it your anger,
your fear, your obsession, your selfishness, your insecurities, or
maybe your lack of commitment? Is it past relationships you have not let go? Is it past
sin you have not repented of? Is it your shopping habits? Is it your
constant desire to control situations? Girl, let that stuff go.
Define submission? Yes, we
have a tendency to work our necks when someone says a man is the head
of the home. Submission is about authority, but not control. When we
have not learned the true act of submission, we see a man and God as
controlling our lives. Submission does not mean you have no
voice. It simply means your husband is the head an even though you may not agree with his decision,
you acquiesce out of respect and authority for his role as the head. If you
are a woman who has to always control things, you are not ready. This may be
a good time to re-evaluate your stand on submission. A marriage ordained by
God cannot go forth successfully without it.